Meet the Team

At Buffalo Remodeling Pros we are very proud of our crew of professional contractors. They go out into the field every work day, meet the customers, and do an excellent job of quality home remodeling in Buffalo, NY.Our professional remodeling contractors have renovated homes all over the Buffalo, NY community for the past 15 years, transforming to small homes into great places to live and raise a family. They are experts in the field of home construction and can offer you alternatives that may save you money on your home improvement project.


Professional Help For the Homeowner

When you contact our company and schedule an appointment, you will receive a visit from one of our friendly yet professional contractors. They will ask a lot of questions to clarify what type of home remodel project you are interested in having built. Our contractors are experts in construction and local building codes, so they will be able to guide you smoothly through your home renovation and help you make important decisions.

Our Contractors Are Always Available

Our contractors are always ready to communicate and are available to talk to you by cell phone if they are not on the job at your home. If you have any questions about your home remodel or need assistance with a problem, do not hesitate to call. Our contractors will keep you informed of the progress of your home remodel, what work is expected to be finished, and the time frame for completion. You will always know what’s happening with your home improvement project.

If a problem does arise with the construction, rest assured that it will be dealt with promptly. Buffalo Remodeling Pros wants to make your home remodeling project as stress-free as possible for you and your family members.

Warning Before Delivery Trucks Arrive

When construction materials are scheduled to be delivered to your home, you will be informed ahead of time, so you will always know when a giant truck will be parked in front of your driveway! We try to be as considerate as possible of our customers when building materials are delivered and make the truck unloading process as short as we can.

Guaranteed Quality Work

Our professional contractors guarantee their work 100% to be free of flaws and any problems. They do the job right using quality materials and the latest construction methods. Our crew inspects all materials for defects before they are used in your home remodel project to make sure you are getting a quality product.

Our contractors don’t waste time on the job. They finish as soon as possible without sacrificing quality and also save money by not wasting building materials.

A Clean Job Site

Our crew won’t leave a dirty mess for you to clean up. We clean the job site every day and make sure to maintain a safe job site.


Buffalo Remodeling Pros is the professional contracting company to contact for all of your home remodeling needs. We have worked hard for the past 15 years to build a reputation of trust and honesty in the Buffalo, NY area.