Home Improvement Gallery

Buffalo Remodeling Pros loves to show off our completed projects in our home improvement gallery of work in Buffalo, NY. We have many photos of the beautiful home remodeling jobs we have had the good fortune to complete. We are proud of our achievements and the fact that we have made so many customers happy and proud of their homes.

We have remodeled many kitchens as you can see from our kitchen remodeling pictures of jobs in Buffalo, NY. Let’s go over the process of a kitchen remodel.

First, our crew guts the whole space and pulls out leaky sinks, shabby cabinets, and worn countertops. Next, we take out the flooring. If the floors are ceramic or porcelain tile we take the time to rip away all the shards and underlayment so that the new floor will lie smooth and level.

Next, the crew removes the drywall from the wall studs, and if the wall is taken down, the studs are removed as well. The plumbing is taken out and capped to prevent any leaks while we are working on the pipes. Electrical wires are carefully removed so as not to cause a fire or an accidental shock.

After all the demolition is complete, our crew can start work on the new kitchen space. They will work quickly to finish the job promptly.

Before the demolition began, the homeowners of these previous jobs presented us with plans drawn up by a professional kitchen designer. Our crew used the plans to create the beautiful kitchens in the photos. Other clients like to peruse our gallery for kitchen remodeling ideas for their houses in Buffalo, NY. You can see the kind of quality work we are capable of producing for our customers.

We also have many pictures in our bathroom remodeling photo gallery of Buffalo, NY homes in the area. Bathrooms and kitchens remodels are the most requested work that our company receives.

For a bathroom remodel we follow the same basic plan of demolition that we perform for a kitchen. The tub, shower, sinks, and toilets are removed, the flooring, and then the plumbing and electrical lines are taken out by professionals. After the space is clear of all debris, the crew begins to build the new bathroom. If the bathroom is to be enlarged the old walls are taken out and new ones are added.

Check out the amazing basement remodeling photos taken in Buffalo, NY homes. We have been fortunate enough to be able to build some functional yet very beautiful basement remodels for our clients.

Remodeling an unfinished basement doesn’t usually involve much demolition unless the client requests window wells to be added. If that is the case, then the crew will cut holes into the masonry walls.

Contact us if you have a home remodel project in mind. Buffalo Remodeling Pros are a family-owned company that has served the Buffalo community for the past 15 years. We are proud of the quality of our work that you can see in the photos, and we can create the same beautiful results for your home.